Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day and Night

Well yesterday the Internet went down in our lodge which was great, so couldn't blog. So I will explain the day yesterday and last night.


Well we started the day getting an interesting history lesson from Professor Alan our guide and "professor" he discussed the history of the people of South Africa as in pertain to the settlement of early European Settlers and them deciding to use cape point as a port between transport to India/Asia. Eventually the Dutch decided to settle here and caused ruckus with the locals the Khoi and  Sans people. whom we also learned about.

Now during the begining of lecture we discussed how we felt being in a different country, now for some reason I didn't feel like everyone else. I didn't have a culture shock. a lot of things around here remind me of local places in my home town as well as places I've been. I also felt a bit more prepared as far has how I grew up I don't pre judge at least I try my best not to and is very naturally excepting of other cultures meaning I don't really have to think about it. So on top of everything that happened personally i.e with my nephew and not speaking to my son for 3 days I felt a bit disconnected from my group.

Now  on to our travels. we went to three museums the

 Castle of Good Hope: where we saw where they tourchered prisoners and kept slaves. It was interesting to stand in a castle and see where the general slept and entertained and then where slaves and prisoners were kept.

The Slave Museum:

I found this very intriguing. They had a small not to scale portion of the bottom of a ship where slaves would be that you could walk in. It was a bit emotional givin the history of blacks in America. Also similar to the south slaves were stripped of there nnative names and named either after the month they arrived or the location in which they were from. for example January or Indonesia.

There also was a walk through history of Mandela which I found very informative there was a lot I didn't know about him and the History.

District 6 museum: This place was awsome it reminded me of the struggles that faced the South in the US during the 40s on up through the civil rights movement. Except it was shocking to me to see how an entire community was moved and destroyed because of race.


Well at night we as a group definitaly bonded. We learned so much of one another. Since what is said in room one stays in room 1 I wont dicuss much. I will say that there was tons of open sharing, laughter, and wine. words of the night.

girl fight

I so miss my son. I have a skype date with him tonight that I am so excited fro every time I see a little kid or an animal I think of him.

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